I want to commend Daisy on her leadership of the Centennial PR and Communications Team work with CCPRF on its continuing work to advance our profession’s commitment to anti-racism, diversity and inclusion. Their innovative approach, outreach to the next generation of potential and diverse PR pros, and unique initiatives were meaningful. ‘The Future of PR Looks Like Us’ was inspirational, thoughtful, insightful and an important contribution to the public relations profession in Canada.
- Judy Lewis, Chair of CCPRF
Co-founder and partner of the award-winning firm Strategic Objectives
Co-founder and partner of the award-winning firm Strategic Objectives
Awarded two 2021 Achieving Communications Excellence (ACE) Awards from the Canadian Public Relations Society Toronto chapter:
Podcast series and companion blogs
Episode 1: PR's Diverse Past
Diverse figures of the past who have shaped public relations
Episode 2: PR's Diverse Present
Diverse voices of today's emerging professionals
Episode 3: The Future of PR and gce education
The Future of PR Looks Like Us
Op ed piece
Co-written in response to the critics review of Amazon’s series, Flack